Thursday, June 30, 2005

For anyone wavering in their support of the war...

Bill Sammon in the Washington Times reports on a meeting between President Bush and the widow of a fallen service man in Iraq:
"I said: 'I know people are pushing you, but please don't pull the guys out of Iraq too soon,' " said Crystal Owen, whose husband, Staff Sgt. Mike Owen, was killed in Iraq last year.
"Don't let my husband -- and 1,700-plus other deaths -- be in vain," she added during a private meeting with Mr. Bush at the North Carolina base. "They were over there, fighting for a democratic nation, and I hope you'll keep our service members over there until the mission can be accomplished."

The Democratic leadership is constantly asking for an exit plan, or a gradual withrawl of troops, or in Sen Kennedy's case an immediate pullout. Do you think they consider Crystal Owen's feelings and Staff Sgt. Mike Owen's legacy before debating such a position?

Why is it that the TV talk shows can only find widows of service men who are bitter about the war?

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